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Lessons Learned from Helping Startups Build DevRel Programs

Discover key lessons learned from helping startups build successful DevRel programs. Get insights on growing developer communities and driving engagement.

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Marcos Placona
Developers focused on working on their laptops and a unch of postits on the background

Hey there! I've been knee-deep in the world of Developer Relations (DevRel) for more years than I care to admit. From being a developer myself to helping countless startups navigate the choppy waters of building developer communities, I've seen it all – the good, the bad, and the downright ugly.

Let me tell you, when I first started in this field, I thought I had it all figured out. Boy, was I wrong! I've made my fair share of mistakes, but each one has been a valuable lesson. Now, as the founder of DevRel Bridge, I'm on a mission to help startups avoid the pitfalls I've experienced firsthand.

You know what I've realized? Most founders I've worked with have a love-hate relationship with DevRel. They know it's important, but they often see it as this mystical, complex beast that they'll "get to eventually." Sound familiar? Well, I'm here to demystify it for you and share some hard-earned wisdom.

Before we dive in, let me be clear: these aren't just textbook theories. These are real lessons I've learned from rolling up my sleeves and getting my hands dirty in the DevRel trenches. Some might ruffle a few feathers, but hey, that's the price of honesty, right?

So, grab a coffee (or your beverage of choice), and let's get into it. Here are the top lessons I've learned from helping startups build their DevRel programs from the ground up.

1. Start Early: Don't Wait for the "Perfect Moment"

I can't tell you how many times I've heard founders say, "We'll focus on DevRel once we've got more users." Spoiler alert: that's a recipe for playing catch-up later.

Here's the truth: the best time to start your DevRel efforts was yesterday. The second best time? Right now.

I remember working with a startup that put off DevRel for two years. When they finally decided to dive in, they were overwhelmed. Their competitors had thriving communities, and they were starting from scratch. It was like showing up to a marathon when everyone else was already at mile 20.

On the flip side, I've seen startups engage developers from day one, and the difference is night and day. They get invaluable feedback, create passionate early adopters, and build a community that grows with them.

My advice? Start now, even if it's small. Create a simple GitHub repo, start a dev-focused blog, or join relevant Discord channels. Trust me, your future self will thank you.

2. Quality Over Quantity: It's Not a Numbers Game

Early in my career, I was all about the numbers. How many events can we sponsor? How many blog posts can we pump out? How many developers can we get to sign up?

I learned the hard way that this approach is exhausting and, frankly, ineffective.

I once worked with a startup that was sponsoring every tech event under the sun. They were burning through cash faster than a Silicon Valley unicorn, but their developer engagement was abysmal. Why? Because they were focusing on quantity over quality.

Now, I preach a different gospel: focus on creating genuine, valuable interactions. One deep, meaningful conversation at a meetup is worth more than a hundred rushed elevator pitches.

Quality content, thoughtful community engagement, and genuine relationship-building – that's the holy trinity of effective DevRel.

3. Empower Your Developers: They're Your Secret Weapon

Here's a controversial opinion: your marketing team shouldn't be leading your DevRel efforts. Your developers should.

I've seen companies try to paint a glossy picture of their developer experience, only to have it all come crashing down when actual developers start using their product. It's like trying to sell a car without ever having driven one.

Your internal dev team is your best DevRel asset. They know the product inside out, they speak the language, and they have street cred with other developers.

Encourage them to speak at conferences, contribute to open source projects, and engage with the community. Not only does this boost your DevRel efforts, but it also helps with recruitment and retention. It's a win-win.

4. Measure What Matters: Vanity Metrics Are Just That – Vanity

I'll be the first to admit, I used to get excited about vanity metrics. Look at all those GitHub stars! Check out our follower count!

But here's the cold, hard truth: those numbers often don't translate to business value.

I worked with a company that had thousands of GitHub stars but struggled to convert those into active users. Meanwhile, another company with a fraction of the stars had a highly engaged community that was driving real business growth.

Focus on metrics that truly indicate developer success with your product. How quickly can developers get up and running? How often are they using your product? Are they becoming advocates and referring others?

These are the metrics that matter. Everything else is just noise.

5. Be Authentic: Developers Can Smell BS a Mile Away

If there's one thing I've learned, it's that developers have finely tuned BS detectors. They can spot insincerity faster than they can debug a null pointer exception.

I've seen companies try to win over developers with flashy marketing campaigns and over-the-top promises. It never ends well.

The most successful DevRel programs I've been part of have one thing in common: authenticity. They're not afraid to admit their limitations. They own up to their mistakes. They treat developers as partners, not just users. They make developers feel like they're the heroes!

Be honest. Be helpful. Be yourself. It's that simple, and that difficult.

Wrapping Up: DevRel Is a Journey, Not a Destination

Looking back on my journey in DevRel, from fumbling newbie to founding my own agency, one thing is clear: there's always more to learn.

DevRel isn't a one-size-fits-all solution. What works for one company might fall flat for another. It's about finding the right balance for your unique situation.

These lessons have served me well, but they're not set in stone. The world of DevRel is constantly evolving, and so should our strategies.

If you're feeling overwhelmed, don't worry. We've all been there. That's why I started DevRel Bridge – to help startups navigate these challenges and build DevRel programs that actually work.

Remember, effective DevRel isn't about having all the answers. It's about asking the right questions, being willing to learn, and genuinely caring about your developer community.

So, what's your biggest DevRel challenge? Hit me up on X and lets chat!. Let's continue this conversation and learn from each other. After all, that's what DevRel is all about!

Interested in Developer-First DevRel Strategy?

If you're looking for expert guidance and support, I offer Developer-centric Developer Relations strategies to maximize adoption, satisfaction, and community impact for Web2 and Web3 companies.